Δείτε 2 video για σωστή κονσερβοποίηση κρεάτων σε δοχεία ή κονσέρβες
Canning Game Meat in Jars - Alaska Cooperative Extension Service 2009 - Video FNH-01281 - Preserving Alaska's Bounty. Supported by U.S. Department of Agriculture special project 2005-45066-03294 for $318,075 and related grants 2004-45066-03027 ($256,671) and 2006-45066-03533 ($314,582). This DVD provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish in cans. The program reviews canning game meat in cans, canning fish in cans as well as the process of assembling a can sealer. Further described are the equipment, preparations, packing, canning, cooling and storage associated with the preservation methods as well as the preparation, materials, maintenance and process associated with the assembly of a can sealer. This DVD makes a great resource for mastering home food preservation.
Canning Game Meat in Cans - Alaska Cooperative Extension Service 2009 - Video FNH-01282 - Preserving Alaska's Bounty. Supported by U.S. Department of Agriculture special project 2005-45066-03294 for $318,075 and related grants 2004-45066-03027 ($256,671) and 2006-45066-03533 ($314,582). This DVD provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish in cans. The program reviews canning game meat in cans, canning fish in cans as well as the process of assembling a can sealer. Further described are the equipment, preparations, packing, canning, cooling and storage associated with the preservation methods as well as the preparation, materials, maintenance and process associated with the assembly of a can sealer. This DVD makes a great resource for mastering home food preservation.
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